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Fibromyalgia Organizations - Health Diseases and Conditions
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Diseases and Conditions > Musculoskeletal Disorders > Connective Tissue > Fibromyalgia > Organizations


American Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) Association, Inc.
AFSA is a non-profit organization dedicated to research, education and patient advocacy for FMS and CFS.

FMS Community
This 501(c)(3)organization maintains a data base of new research, medication information, a data base of doctors and support groups, a free monthly newsletter and more.

New York Support Network, Inc. (NYSN)
Encourages the preservation and development of CFIDS and fibromyalgia syndrome support groups in New York State.

Oregon Fibromyalgia Foundation
This foundation offers patient information and literature, videos and treatment options.

The Chronic Syndrome Support Association, Inc.
Educates the general population and health-care professionals on conditions such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The National Fibromyalgia Association
Fibromyalgia inf



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