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Deafness Organizations - Health Diseases and Conditions
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Diseases and Conditions > Communication Disorders > Hearing > Deafness > Organizations


Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
An international membership organization and resource center on hearing loss and spoken language approaches and related issues.

Association of Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses
Provides information, promotes advocacy and mentorship, and creates a network for individuals with hearing losses interested in or working in health care fields.

Canadian Hard Of Hearing Association (CHHA)
A consumer-based, non-profit, self-help organization formed by and for hard of hearing Canadians.

Canadian Hard Of Hearing Association (CHHA), British Columbia Chapter
A consumer organization of hard of hearing people, with national, regional and local structures dedicated to the assistance of hard of hearing people across Canada.

Children of Deaf Adults (CODA) International
A non-profit organization for the adult hearing sons and daughters of deaf parents.

Constance Brown Hearing Centers
Provides information concerning types of hearing aids, hearing loss and anatomy of the ear and FAQs.

Maximizes the self-sufficiency of socially and economically disadvantaged, multihandicapped deaf persons.

Deafchild International
This child-friendly site acts as a hub for communication between schools and deaf individuals.

Deafness Research Foundation
America's only voluntary health organization committed to curing and preventing all forms of hearing loss, and making lifelong hearing health a national priority.

Deafnet Association, Inc.
An organization serving the deaf and hard of hearing community of Western Maryland, Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia, South Central Pennsylvania, and North Western Virginia.

e-Michigan Deaf and Hard of Hearing People
A Michigan state-wide coalition of agencies and organizations working together to improve accessibility and services for Michigan's Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.

Hearing and Speech Center of Florida
Information and education relating to hearing and speech delays in children and adults.

Helen Keller Foundation
Includes details about the organization, research, education, testimonials, contributions and contact information.

HI Kids Network
A site managed, organized, and run by parents with hearing impaired children throughout the state of North Carolina, providing an avenue to exchange, gather, and communicate information throughout the state.

Learning to Listen Foundation (LTLF)
Auditory-Verbal Therapy, Practice and Education for children who are deaf or hard of hearing, their families and the professionals who work with them are the major missions of this charitable organization.

Specializes in providing information for deaf and hard of hearing children and their families.

National Association of the Deaf
NAD is a non-profit organization designed to empower Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals.

The National Deaf Children's Society
Charity for deaf children based



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