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Diseases and Conditions > Sleep Disorders > Organizations


American Sleep Association
Professional sleep organization focusing on sleep apnea, snoring, insomnia, and narcolepsy.

American Sleep Research Institute
Conducts tests of mattresses and other sleep products.

Association of Polysomnographic Technicians.
Site for technical employees of sleep disorder centers for the evaluation and treatment of sleep disorders.

Better Sleep Council
offers quizzes and surveys to help improve your sleep and your health. Nonprofit organization supported by the mattress industry.

British Sleep Society
The British Sleep Society was founded as a charity in 1989 to promote knowledge and research in sleep, its disorders and treatment.

Canadian Sleep Society
Professional association of clinicians, scientists and technologists formed in June 1986 to further the advancement and understanding of sleep and its disorders through scientific study and public awareness

European Sleep Research Society
Founded in 1972 the European Sleep Research Society promotes all aspects of sleep research.

International Sleep Medicine Association
New worldwide association for physicians, scientists, patients and corporations interested in sleep.

National Sleep Foundation
Nonprofit organization supporting public education, sleep-related research, and advocacy related to sleep deprivation, sleep disorders, and excessive sleepiness. Extensive information on these topics.

The American Sleep Apnea Association
The American Sleep Apnea Association is a non-profit organization concerned health care promotes education, awareness and research into sleep apnea.


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