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End Stage Disease


American Kidney Fund
Information about this national voluntary health organization, as well as kidney disease facts.

Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort
Features a research network focused on prediction and mechanisms of progression towards renal disease and cardiovascular events in patients with CRI.

Dialysis Access Care Center Online
Provides timely planning and consulting information for nephrologists interested in access care and interventional nephrology.

Forum of ESRD Networks
Information about this national organization as well end-stage renal disease data.

Provides up-to-date, selected information on renal disorders and their treatment, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and about hypertension, dialysis, and clinical nephrology topics.

Worldwide online community for people with kidney disease and their care givers.

In Focus: A Photographic Journey
John F. Martin, a photojournalist, documented his bout with kidney failure, dialysis and the live-donor transplant he received from his father. Over 100 photos take the reader through the year-long process step-by-step.

National Kidney Foundation-Making Lives Better
Information for organ donors and recipients, for patients and professionals, meetings and events and support. An A-Z guide for kidney disease and related conditions.

Allows patient, professionals and the public access to the worldwide kidney resources on the Web. Links. Animated GIFS, preESRD education, Fadem's Kidney Guide.

Southern California Renal Disease Council
Forms, reports, data, and resources for end stage renal disease patients, providers and facilities. Information on dialysis and transplant. Some information in Spanish.

Transweb: All About Transplantation and Donation
Provides list of people who have received transplants, or who are donors and their experiences. References, news and FAQs.



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